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Updated: Sep 28, 2022




  Whether a relationship exists between the mind and the brain



  For centuries,philosophers and scientist have been trying to solve the problem of the mind-body(brain).The most prolific of the minds has wandered sleeplessly,trying to solve the mind-brain problem,yet,the mysteries behind our skulls remain hidden.This paper is an attempt to address the causality problem of the mind and the brain.Firstly,an overview over the philosophical theories will be done.Subsequently,evaluation of certain scientific findings which may hold the answer will be carried out.Finally,the essay will end with a conclusion about these findings.

  Part of the problem is whether one,(the mind or the brain),could plausible exist given the existence of the other.If this is the case,how are they associated?Does a relationship exist or are they two distinct realms.Many philosophers and scientists have made an attempt to explain and resolve the mind-brain problem.Two major philosophical theories have been proposed as a solution;dualism and monism.Followers of the dualistic theory argue that there are two fundamental entities-mind and brain.The mind and the brain functions separately,without interchange.Conversely,monistic advocates,instead,argue that there is only one reality and the mind and the brain are formed from,or reducible to,the same ultimate substance or principle of being.The former,however,is hard to contradict and/or support scientifically and therefore is not popular amongst scientists and psychologists(Valentine,1992).However,in recent years,a third explanation,pluralism,has emerged.Pluralism is a mix of both monism and dualism.It argues that there is one fundamental reality but it may display different aspect of the reality.


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