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Time taught us that poverty is a factor of political instability.Poverty defines itself like the state of one who possesses nothing.It is also a lack of assets,a lack of necessaries of life.We all know that man is an animal,and as an animal,instinct for survival takes over in some moment of its existence,when that existence is threatened.Through history,poverty has been one of the most important reasons of war,at anytime,anywhere.This factor is more relevant now that countries will of conquest are less important.Moreover,when developed countries are increasing their resources day after day,some developing countries still can't provide necessary products to their people.So,can we affirm that poverty is the greatest threat to political stability in the developing world?We will see that it is still an important factor,and that it offers the ideal basis to instability,but that is not the only factor leading to conflict situations.
Between years 2000 and 2010,we saw several conflicts in the world:the second Intifada(2000,Israel),Hmong conflict(2000,Laos),second Afghanistan war(2001),Waziristan war(2001),civil war in Ivory Coast(2001),civil war in Macedonia(2001),South Thailand conflict(2001),second Iraq war(2003),Baluchistan conflict(2003,Pakistan),civil war in Darfur(2003,Soudan,Chad and Centre of Africa),Yemen conflict(2004),Uzbekistan riots(2005),Israel/Lebanon conflict(2006),Tibet riots(2008),South Ossetia war(2008,Georgia)Djibouti/Eritrea war(2008),and Gaza war(2008).As we can see,just a few conflicts have poverty as basis,but the major parts of countries concerned are developing countries.
The Ivory Coast case is significant.Most rebels are disaffected youths who were recruited from neighbourhoods and other places,where are prevailing insecurity and poverty.A poor population is a fertile ground for warriors.A hungry young,who has just£1 a day to live,would easily be tempted by a warriors speech which propose a better future in a supposed new order they will establish.Moreover it is also the case for terrorist organisations such as Al-Qaida.In the months that followed the events of September 11,2001,the U.S.government,supported by other coalition members quickly formed against terrorism,responded to attacks by an intensification of police activities,military and intelligence,as well as the adoption and implementation of new financial instruments and legal.Meanwhile,the European Union(EU)developed a comprehensive strategy to fight against terrorism,including trying to tackle its root causes,like several other multilateral and intergovernmental organizations.A year and a half and two wars later,the government of the United States has officially decided to join these efforts by publishing the National Strategy for Combating Terrorism in February 2003.This paper describes an America determined and able to use the tools of coercion,and less aggressive ways to reach its goal.The U.S.government said that terrorists-though they are not,themselves,necessarily poor or uneducated-use the suffering of the poor as a platform to recruit more people.